Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Mind and Body

Mind and Body

by Michael Espinoza

Once the mind and the body were brothers, united as one.
Once they acted together, in efforts of singular will.
There were science experiments, songs and cartoons--for examples.
And the mind was the older, who guided his brother the body.

But the mind and the body were soon separated by jealousy.
For the mind, being topmost, got arrogant with his position.
"I am smarter," said mind.  "I'm the only one who is important.
Now philosophy, poetry, and mathematics are it."

This, of course, made the body, the younger, quite envious soon.
He revolted and said, "I am stronger--why should I need you?
Now it's sports and performances--movies and music--for me."
Where they'd once been united, the brothers now enemies were.

Now the mind was a snob, and he used his wits not for his brother,
But only to make clever insults to show he was smarter.
Now the body'd become just a bully, who used his great muscles
Not protecting his brother, but physically beating him up.

Now no longer did brothers unite in composing their songs:
For the older, great verses were poetry, meant to be read.
For the younger, the words didn't matter, but only the music.
They competed against one another as rivals in combat.

If you recognize mind as the older and rightfully guide,
Now they both say that you're intellectual, hating the riffraff.
If you realize that mind is corrupting his rightful authority,
Now they both call you fans of the superstars who entertain.

Let us hope that eventually body and mind reunite.
They work best when each complements skills that the other possesses.
Otherwise, there are books by the mind--smart but not entertaining--
And the body performs entertainments that aren't so smart.

Now instead of the body and mind in a combat quite mortal,
Let us see a uniting of body and mind--once for all!
A return to the beauty of products they worked on together!
Then there's bound to be hope--no more hidden, but now celebrated!

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